
[영어 인터뷰] 외국계 금융권으로 이직하기 위한 첫출발

Yeouiin 2024. 1. 21. 10:47

현재 증권사에 재직중이다. 얼마전 헤드헌터로 부터 연락을 받아 외국계 사모펀드 인터뷰를 급작스럽게 준비하게 되었다. 

대학생 시절 영어를 많이 사용하긴 했으나, 결국 졸업때까지 스피킹만은 자신이 정말정말 없었던 나다..

사실 하루전날 연락받아 다음날 면접이 가능하겠냐고 하는데 사실 한달을 줘도 엄청나게 달라지지 않는다는 사실을 아는 나는 알겠다고 하고 준비를 하긴했다.

내 준비방법은 다음과 같다

1. 구글 검색: english interview, interview tip, 영어 인터뷰 등 

- 보통 일반적인 영어인터뷰에서의 질문들을 검토

2. 답변 작성

- 검색한 내용들을 토대로 답변을 작성했다. 너무 입에 달라붙지 않으면 chat gpt의 도움을 받아 발음하기 쉬운 문장들로 재구성

3. 반복해서 읽기

- 계속해서 읽어봤다. 한글말로만 말해버릇한 내 입은 영어발음을 어색해 하기때문이다. 


계속해서 발음하다 보면 좀 익숙해지는건가? 싶기도 하다.

결론적으로 점심시간에 점심끼니를 걸러가며.. 45분가량의 면접을 진행하였고, 역시나 준비되지 못한 질문에 대한 답은 너무나 어버버거렸다. 스스로가 너무 답답했고, 오히려 HR 담당자가 나를 이해한다는 듯 더 기다려주고, 말도 안되는 문장들을 이해해주려 노력했다.

준비했던 내용들을 기록해놓고자 한다. 다음번 영어인터뷰도 또 준비해야하게 될테니까!


1. 자기소개 (Tell me about yourself)

"I currently work as a LLL Analyst in Seoul, where I evaluate property investments and the worth of finance projects. Before this, I worked at KKK, part of HHH, where I looked at fund net asset values and figured out fair value prices following financial reporting standards. This work let me learn about different investment types and deepened my interest in how assets are valued, especially in what they could mean for investment funds. These opportunities motivate me to submit my application for the position of UUU Analyst."

2. 강점 (Strength)

"I'm skilled at figuring out what needs to be done by first defining the task. This helps me work out the quickest way to solve it. I break down the task into smaller, more manageable steps and start with the first one. This approach helps me learn and handle situations more effectively because each step I solve builds my experience for future problems. If a similar issue comes up, I can often pinpoint the problem quickly, just by looking at the data involved."

> fast learner 임을 강조가능

3. 어떻게 이 공고를 알게되었는지 

“I learned about the position through LinkedIn as I’ve been following the headhunter’s page for a while now. I’m really passionate about the work you’re doing in a variety of areas(even though I could not get much detailed information on the web), so I was excited to apply. The required skills match well with the skills I have, and it seems like a great opportunity for me to contribute to your mission, as well as a great next move for my career.”

> 한국 인터뷰에서 이런 본격적 질문을 받아본적은 없는데, 영어인터뷰에는 있다고 하고, 실제로 이 질문을 받았다

4. work environment

“That sounds great to me. I like fast-paced work environments because they make me feel like I’m always learning and growing, but I really thrive when I’m collaborating with team members and helping people reach a collective goal as opposed to competing. My last career, Kis Pricing, was at an organization with a similar culture, and I really enjoyed that balance.”

> 보통 공고에서 찾는 포지션이 속할 팀에 대한 이야기를 해주면서 너는 어떠니? 라고 묻기때문에 거기에 대한 반응 후 일반적인 대답을 해야하는것이었고, 실제로 인터뷰에서 이 질문을 받았다.


5. stressful situation

“I realize stressful situation are always going to come up, and I definitely have had to learn how to navigate them throughout my career. I think I get better at it with every new experience. While working on a new evaluation method launch at my last company, for example, things were not going according to plan with my team. Instead of pointing fingers, my first reaction was to take a step back and figure out some strategies around how we could we solve the problem at hand. Previously, I may have defaulted to panicking in that situation, so being calm and collected was definitely a step forward and helped me approach the situation with more clarity.”

> 검색하다가 이런질문 받으면 대답하기 좋을만한 내용같아 스크랩해두었다

6. independent vs as a team

“I enjoy a blend of the two. I like having a team to strategize with, get diverse opinions from, and reach out to for feedback. But I am also comfortable taking on assignments that require me to work independently. I find I do some of my best work when I can focus alone in a quiet space, but I really value collaborating with my teammates to come up with the best ideas.”

> 4번 내용과 연계해서 답변도 가능하다. 

7.  applying situation

“I’ve applied to a couple of other firms, but this role is really the one I’m most excited about right now ”

> 심플하게 대답하는 것이 베스트인것같다. 어느쪽으로 지원중이냐고도 물었는데, 해당 인터뷰의 포지션과 유사한 내용을 말하면 본 공고에 대해 진정성이 있다고 생각하는 편인것같다.

8. salary expectation

“Based on my skills and experience and on the current industry rates, I’m looking at a salary around $00,000” (then fill in with your desired salary range and rationale).

> HR 담당자가 인터뷰한다해서 혹시몰라 준비해놓았지만 물어보지 않았다. 외국인이라서 계산했갈릴까봐 달러로 계산까지 해두었는데..

9. gap in school days

“During my third and maybe fourth year of university, I didn’t feel ready to choose my educational path, so I took a wilderness course for a few months to sort out my life goals. It may seem a little random, but the time I spent actually helped me develop so many new skills — in the areas of leadership, communication, (etc…). During that time, I realized that I wanted to earn a degree in (state your degree) to align with my passion (say what that is).”

> 학창시절 갭이 있다고 이력서를 보고 생각이 들정도면, 이정도의 답안도 참고할수있을듯하다.


다음번에는 더 잘 준비해봐야지. 할일이 참많다. 화이팅!
